Case Study v1.0
The Obsidian Tavern
Moving Fictional World-Building Into the World of AI
Fantasy and sci-fi writers are passionate.
Really passionate.
So if you’re going to create a world for them then it better be special or you’re going to get left behind. But that’s what The Obsidian Tavern is.
A special world for those writers who want to get better at world-building.
It Started With Long-Form Content
What’s interesting about this is that I didn’t know much about world-building when I got started on the site. But I do love creating and I love the idea of creating fictional worlds that I can get lost in.
So I spent about a month creating content to go on the site. When I was done I had over 100 pieces of blog content published.
This included SEO and images.
I had a nice library of content set up that did a great job of helping me understand a lot of the fundamentals of world-building. It also did a great job of showing me how people can get frustrated with it.
There is so much to learn about it and try to get it right that it’s easy to never get started. Doing it all manually might be exciting for some, but not seeing progress isn’t fun for anybody.
Because I love working with AI I wanted to see what I could create with the help of it.
The Artifacts
When we talk about world-building in the context of business, we like to refer to offers as artifacts. Tools that exist within your world to make the journey easier for anyone that comes across them.
For The Obsidian Tavern, it made sense to create a two-tiered artifact. The reason for this is to have one part lead into another.
So we created a free course on world-building. You can understand world-building and create some amazing worlds based on this course alone.
But again, that takes time and energy. More importantly, it’s easy to get lost.
So the paid offer is a course on using AI to help with your world-building.